Tarot Cards have been used for hundreds of years around the world to reach a person's inner self. Tarot cards give us a chance to reveal our true thoughts, usually thoughts that are pushed from the forefront of our minds because they are unpleasant and we do not want to confront them. Different types of questions have different types of answers, henceforth, different ways of answering those questions. These different ways are called Spreads, and are literally the way the cards are spread out on the table in front of you.
The Five Card Spread
This spread is used to determine the correct course of action. The layout is five cards in the shape of a plus sign.
Card 1 - (center) Present, general
Card 2 - (west) Past influences
Card 3 - (east) The future
Card 4 - (south) Reason for asking
the question
Card 5 - (north) Potential for gain
or loss
The Celtic Cross Spread
Also the most common and most revealing spread available, it is the most complicated to lay out and to interpret. It is used for a variety of questions and problems, but is most commonly used to answer complex questions with many outcomes. The layout starts off as the five card spread, with one extra card laid on top of the center card. There is also a line of four cards lined end to end off to the east side of the cross.
1 - (center) The present
2 - (center, on top) Immediate
challenge, usually a very difficult obstacle
3 - (east) Foundation, distant past
4 - (south) Recent past
5 - (north) Best possible outcome
6 - (west) Immediate Future
7 - (bottom of line) Inner feelings
and factors affecting the situation
8 - (one up from bottom of line)
External influences
9 - (one down from top of line) Fears
and hopes revolving around the situation
10 - (top of line) Final outcome. If
ambiguous, draw three more cards to clarify
The Ellipse Spread
The ellipse spread is another variation that can be used to answer direct questions. This one would be about middle of the road as far as complex questions go. Lined up in the shape of a V, with the fourth card being in the middle, it will travel southeast before it travels back up in a northeast direction in a sequential order (1-7).
1 - Past influences that are now
part of the situation
2 - Present influences acting on you
at the time of the reading
3 - Future influences that will have
4 - Direction, telling you your
course of action
5 - External influences that can
affect the situation
6 - Fears and hopes about the
question or outcome
7 - Final result, how it will end
Remember to stay calm during a reading, and to fully explore yourself when experiencing a reading. With these basic Types of Tarot Spreads, a few basic and complex answers can be attained. There are many more Types of Tarot Spreads that can be learned in books, online, videos, or personal mentors.
About Marissa Valentin:
If you want a great psychic reading online visit http://www.MoonWhisper.com Or http://www.TruePsychics.com for amazingly accurate psychics that will provide psychic reading for your regarding love romance finance career and more. Also try free daily horoscopes and free psychic reading online oracles as well as joining our free psychic community online. Marissa "MoonWhisper" Valentin is owner, webmaster and a psychic adviser with over 20 years of experience.
It has been her lifelong quest to bring the psychic realm into the mainstream and to validate the authenticity of psychic ability and paranormal events.
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