Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads
Couple Connection Spread:
1.) The center of the relationship
2.) The common link in the relationship
3.) You- hopes for the relationship
4.) You-
emotions of the heart
5.) You- what you can do for your partner
6.) You- the part of you that hurts the
7.) Partner- hopes for the relationship
8.) Partner- emotions of the heart
9.) Partner- what they can do for their
10.) Partner- the part of them that hurts the
11.) Strengths of the relationship
12.) Weaknesses of the relationship
5 Card Relationship Cross
relationship cross spread by R. T. Allwin
Card 1: Querent’s position in the
Card 2: Other party’s position in the
Card 3: Basis for the relationship; the Past
Card 4: What lies between the parties right
now .
Card 5: The future of the relationship.