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Making Sense of Your Past, Present
and Future with Tarot Cards
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Astrological Tarot Spreads
The Planetary Layout
spread is also known as the seven card spread.
1 – This is the questioner.
2 – This is the Moon, or Home Matters.
3 – The card of Mercury, or Business Matters.
4 – The card of Venus, or Love Matters.
5 – The card of Mars, or Things that Oppose
6 – The card of Jupiter, or Financial
7 – The card of Saturn, or Matters of the
8 – The outcome of the situation. (optional)
This layout is particularly good at giving
you a “snapshot” of different areas of your life, and can help you
understand what is working in your life and what is not working or needs
additional attention to avoid problems in the future.
The Astrological Spread (Zodiac
1: Aries; personallity, attitudes, and how
one interacts within the world.
2: Taurus; financial & material matters,
3: Gemini; communication, education, siblings
& travel
4: Cancer; home, family, childhood, fatherly
5: Leo; pleasures & leisure, romance &
creativity relationships with children
6: Virgo; work & responsibilities, health,
helping others
7: Libra; close partnership & working
relationships, alliances & marriage
8: Scorpio; hidden influences, life cycle,
sexuality & psychic awareness
9: Sagittarius; religion & philosophy, law,
foriegn cultures & long distance travel.
10: Capricorn; career & ambitions,
self-esteem, achievments & public status
11: Aquarius; social life & aquaintences,
hopes and wishes
12: Picses; subconscious, strengths &
weaknesses, restrictions
Horoscope Tarot Spread (12 House Spread)
The 12 houses in Astrology are as follows;
1) Personality, environment, how others see
the querant*, the Self (Aries).
2) Money, possessions, earning power and
financial values (Taurus).
3) Travel and Communication, day to day
activities (Gemini).
4) Home Life, siblings, family, parents
5) Pleasure, romance, love affairs, holidays,
self expression, creativity (Leo).
6) Work and Health (emotional and physical)
7) Partnerships (professional and personal)
and Marriage, legal matters (Libra).
8) Inheritance, death, sex, other people’s
money, endings and beginnings (Scorpio).
9) Philosophy, education, dreams, travel and
long distance journeys (Sagittarius).
10) Career, profession, fame, reputation
11) Friends, organisations, hopes and wishes
12) Burdens, restrictions, secret fears,
enemies, dangers, subconscious (Pisces).
* The Querant is the person seeking a
Card Planetary Spread
Use this spread to perform an astrological-based
reading. Gives an over-all perspective.
Card 1—The Sun ☉ Where the Querent is placing their focus and conscious
Card 2—The Moon ☾ Emotional and subconscious activity—often
Card 3—Mercury ☿ How the Querent is communicating.
Card 4—Venus ♀ The Querent’s love life and social pursuits.
Card 5—Mars ♂ Active energy; What causes aggressive behavior in the
Card 6—Jupiter ♃ Developments and dreams the Querent is aspiring to.
Card 7—Saturn ♄ Restrictions, limits and endings of the Querent.
Card 8—Action to take in relation to the 7 planetary cards.
Card 9—Focus to direct in the next section of your path.