A pendulum is a very basic tool used for divination. A pendulum consists
only of a chain with a heavy object at one end, usually a pointed
object. For practice, you can use a necklace or a heavy object, such as
a screw nut, tied to the end of a piece of string. For more advanced
work, however, you will need something more suitable. There are a number
of pendulums on the market today, but making your own is much simpler. I
prefer to use my own jewelry. If you have a special pendant dedicated to
your craft which you always wear, I suggest using it as your pendulum.
You can also use a polished crystal or stone hung from a chain. Some
witches use polished crystal or stone points for certain purposes. For
example, a rose quartz point would be particularly useful in love
divination. A point of bloodstone would be most useful for healing
A pendulum is a tool that hones in on the psychic powers within each of
us. A pendulum can also be used to obtain information that has been lost
to us through repressed memories or have been forgotten. Pendulums can
also be used to reveal truths that we already know, but have not come to
terms with.
Pendulum Lesson 1:
Create a card which looks like this. You may draw this on any piece of
paper you like with any type of pen. This card will be used only for
learning and practice. The "y" stands for "yes." The "n," stands for
"no." The "m" stands for "maybe."
Begin by laying your card down on a flat surface. For this exercise you
may use a pendulum made from anything you like. The symbolism is not
important at this point. Rest your elbow on the table (or whatever
surface you are working on) and hang your pendulum by its end from
between your thumb and forefinger, so that it hangs over, but does not
touch the paper. The pendulum should be about 1/4 inch above the paper.
Do not lift your elbow off of the table.
First, swing the pendulum back and forth along the y axis. Say aloud
"this means 'yes'." Now stop the pendulum. Swing it along the n axis.
Say aloud "this means 'no'." Stop the pendulum again. Swing the pendulum
in a circle and say "this means 'maybe'." Stop the pendulum once more.
It is important that you remember to always repeat this part of the
exercise before performing any work with a pendulum.
Now hold your pendulum over the card and hold your hand steady, but try
to keep it relaxed. Say aloud "show me a 'yes'." Your pendulum will very
slowly, very gradually begin to swing. After a few seconds, you will
notice that your pendulum is swinging along the yes axis without you
moving your hand at all.
Now say aloud "show me a 'no'." You will notice that your pendulum
begins to spin and then very soon, it will begin to swing horizontally
across the no axis. It is very important that you be sure not to move
your hand at all. Do not force the pendulum to swing. Try to hold you
hand still.
Say aloud "show me a 'maybe'." Again, you will see that the pendulum
seems to obey. Practice this and the pendulum will obey each time.
Using Your Pendulum
Pendulums can be used to answer simple yes and no questions. This is
easily done by asking the question and then viewing the pendulum to see
how it will respond. It is very important that you do not let your
personal desires control the movement of the pendulum. Just because you
want to hear a "yes" in answer to your question, doesn't mean that
forcing the pendulum to say "yes" will make it true.
Pendulums are also commonly used to find things. In the past, pendulums
have been held over maps to find deposits of water and minerals. The
pendulum is asked to find a certain deposit and then moved very slowly
over the map until it makes a "yes" motion or a circular motion in some
Pendulum Lesson 2:
Draw a large map of your bedroom (as seen from above) as precise as you
can and include furniture, windows, and doors in your drawing. Have a
friend hide an object in your room while you are not looking. Use the
pendulum over the map to try and determine where the object is hidden.
Clear your mind of all things except the object. Hold the pendulum over
the map and slowly move the pendulum over the map. When the pendulum
begins to swing in a "yes" motion, check that area to see if the object
is there. This will take some practice. Take turns with your partner
hiding and finding the object. With practice, you will learn to clear
your mind and hone in on your abilities. You may find that you become
quite good at it.
Pendulums can be used for a variety of things. You can use a pendulum
over the body to discover which chakra is out of balance, or what area
needs to be healed during illness. You can use a pendulum over a map to
discover lost objects. You can even use your pendulum for simple yes and
no questions. |
How to Use a Pendulum for Divination
Amber S. |